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SuperFeast I Am Gaia Womens Blend - [REVIEW]
SuperFeast I Am Gaia Womens Blend - [REVIEW]
SuperFeast I Am Gaia Womens Blend - [REVIEW]

SuperFeast I Am Gaia Womens Blend - [REVIEW]


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SuperFeast I Am Gaia: Nourishing Your Womanhood 

This just in! - I've just experienced one of the calmest periods in years (normally they really suck!) I can't say it was purely I Am Gaia but I'll tune back in next month after my next one and see what happens!

Do you sometimes feel like being a woman is tiring? What with all the pains, bleeding, ever-changing bits and pieces, and what feels like uncontrollable emotional outbursts of all sorts? I know I do. Sometimes when it's the red zone I dream of just being a man.

superfeast i am gaia review

Though some of these qualities are completely natural and normal and we should all celebrate the uniqueness that is us, sometimes our environment can heighten the intensity in which these things take place, creating a negative experience. 

If we're stressed, our diet isn't what our bodies need or perhaps we've been enjoying too many wine nights with the girls...then one obvious sign can be our female health starts to deteriorate. Personally, UTI's wreak havoc on me at the slightest twinge of stress and my periods are whack if I haven't been eating healthy. 

It's great to curate a lifestyle that promotes a healthy body but a little bit of help along the way is always welcome! I Am Gaia is that perfect helping hand. It helps balance out hormones (I got upset at my partner the other day because I hit my own head - nowhere even near him) and regulate a healthy cardiovascular system.

Another product that pairs wonderfully with this women's blend is the SuperFeast Beauty Blend, it works on the inside to make your outside shine! Why not just give yourself a whole-body makeover?!

Buy SuperFeast I Am Gaia

buy superfeast i am gaia

I Am Gaia (Women's Blend) Review By Sacky

What I Like: 

Dedication - As lame as it is, It makes me feel special having a product that is tailored for my gender specifically. When the term of being 'healthy' is treated as a goal and not as a lifestyle choice, we end up with a million different 'This is what will make you feel like your 21 again!' products. It's hard to keep up with what's good for you and what's not. I've come to the conclusion you just have to listen to your own body and figure it out. Though having products that are more tailored to our genders makes sifting through the thousands of products a little easier. 

Taste - It's rather sweet - like our womanly nature!*

*This is contextual and entirely dependent on who you talk to ;)

Periods - Every single woman I know has had a bad period. It's also quite intimidating and uncomfortable to start talking about your periods when you are younger (heck even older!) but it's our only way of coming to understand them so we can better handle them. I Am Gaia not only assists with pre/post period time in both a physical and energetic way, but it can help broach the topic of 'bad' periods.

eg. 'Hey, How are you? What's that you're putting in your coffee?' 

'Hey feeling bit low, this is I Am Gaia - I've noticed I've been more hormonal and taking longer to recover from a heavy period recently, I Am Gaia might be able to assist!'

as opposed to 

'Hey, How are you?'

'My period is heavy and I'm sore, bloated and tired and I don't know if this is normal - help' 

I am Gaia Superfeast blend with food

SuperFeast Values - From what I understand, a lot of time, effort and thought has gone into selecting the right ingredients for this delicious blend. If you listen to them talk about it you can tell they are just as excited for every lady to have this as I am myself to be testing it out! The whole team is great to deal with and super passionate about the service they are providing. Genuinely a company that stands proudly behind its brand. 

What I Think Could Be Improved:

Right now - nothing! At the time of writing this review, I've only been using the women's blend for a month. To have a deeper understanding and to see or feel changes I will need to wait another month or two (and I suggest you should wait too!). 

Where To Buy I Am Gaia

If you look to the top of the screen there is a blue button to buy, as well as at the top of the page a direct link to buy, or you can click on any of the banners in this article! 

However, do you like to save money?

That's rhetorical, of course, so join our email list first and you'll receive a very generous 15% off SuperFeast discount code. Plus access to lots of other deals. Our promise is that we only send emails we believe hold value and hopefully something to make you smile and laugh. Heck, you can join, get the code and unsubscribe if you want to. I can't guarantee you won't make us cry if you do that though. 

If you need a dose of human interaction you can also use their website to find your closest stockist. 

Buy SuperFeast I Am Gaia

What Is In I Am Gaia?:

A very carefully and thought out combination of tonic herbs that are meticulously extracted to ensure the highest potency and nutritional value are cultivated in the process. There are 8 herbs that makeup I Am Gaia. 4 of which are "direct action ingredients" in other words work on directly influencing and with time even changing your systems and 4 "supporting and minor action" that support (already healthy) systems and the direct action herbs.

Direct Action


The SuperFeast team themselves have a brilliant article available, running through all of the amazing research, history and health benefits in I Am Gaia - check it out here

I Am Gaia Health Benefits:

After a lot of personal research and information supplied by SuperFeast themselves, I've concluded that it's irrefutable that this blend will have a positive effect. How much it may help is entirely dependent on the individual though! Like SuperFeast also talk about, herbs, mushrooms, supplements of any type - they all are great for assisting a healthy lifestyle but rarely should they be thought of as 'fixes''. Each person depending on what lifestyle they have, their DNA or if they have any existing conditions will have different experiences. 

I can't remark on my own personal experiences with I Am Gaia yet as I haven't been taking it long enough but I promise I will update this review when it's been an ample amount of time to notice differences. 

superfeast i am gaia womens blend

However, in the meantime let's trust science, research, and the forever wise and incredible Chinese Medicine philosophies to enlighten us into what health benefits await! 

Benefits include: 

[ Blood building and flow ] - this refers to the assistance of building red blood cells and promoting healthy blood flow. Why would I want to bleed MORE? I hear you say. A healthy blood flow will allow all organs to work at a better capacity which in turn helps your body deal better with the extra work it does while you have your period. The building of red blood cells is particularly great for when your period has finished.

** Heavy period warning ** If you have heavy periods - it's suggested you take a break from I Am Gaia until your flow has ended. It doesn't hurt to take it still but you just may rather not want to run the risk of increasing the flow.

Ingredients That Assist - Angelica root head and stem, Rehmannia, Goji, and White Peony.

Red heart tree

[ Hormones ] - Those rascally hormones. Just firing up whenever they please! A few herbs found in the women's blend are acknowledged as being particularly great for female hormonal regulation in both day to day experiences as well as assisting with the hormonal fireworks at period time.

Ingredients That Assist - Angelica root, asparagus root, Rehmannia

[ Period Pain ] - It's nice to think we can take some herbs and our period pain will vanish forever, however, there is beauty and growth in pain! If we can't be rid of it forever we can at least manage it and find the silver linings right?? Sorry if you are reading this and currently in pain, I know you probably are just thinking 'Shoosh, where's the secret answer to pain-free periods!?!'. I haven't experienced a painless period with the women's blend yet but who knows, you might!! However, White Peony does help with muscle cramping and has been famed for helping with mild period pain. 

Interesting Side Note On Endometriosis -  Endo (as us Aussies who need everything to be a couple of syllables long call it) is a Western term. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, they acknowledge its existence however rather believe it is a symptom of any of the following; energy stagnation, blood stagnation, congealed cold or deficiency of energy and blood. Which all then break down into many possibilities too. There is no one fix in Traditional Chinese Medicine, more so a case by case. Which I personally resonate with as we're very complex little monkeys us humans! 

Ingredients That Assist - White Peony

white peony flower

White Peony Flower

[ Immune Boosting ] - This one is great for absolutely anyone! Though to put it in line with women's health, much of what we go through with our bodies is taxing and these things can compromise our immune system. I'm only just learning at 30 to rest when I have my period, I really struggle with sitting still...Naturally, I get run down too! I try to get out and be super physical while I'm bleeding heavily and wonder why I'm so tired all the time and seem to be getting the flu in a pattern...Duh. 

Ingredients That Assist - Poria, Angelica Root, Goji 


I particularly love this for when I'm feeling a bit run down post period. I get heavy periods, battle with anaemia and definitely feel a bit low after the red river has run.  

The Cacao gives me an energy kick and the cayenne is great for putting the fire back in my soul. 


Coconut Milk (Coco Quench- always!)

1 Tsp Raw Cacao

1/2 Tsp Cayenne Pepper

1/2 Tsp I Am Gaia

Honey if you like it sweet (I find Coco Quench to be sweet enough)


1. Measure out the milk into whatever cup you are using and be sure to leave a couple of cms from the top for the cacao paste. 

2. Pour milk out into a saucepan and heat until the milk starts to slightly simmer - don't let it boil! 

3. Boil the kettle! While the milk is warming up, put cayenne pepper, astragalus, and cacao into your cup. Add a dash of boiling water and stir it around to make a paste, it should be completely wet but not a soup - the more water, the more diluted the flavour! 

4. Add milk straight into the cup and stir it all up! Add honey/sugar etc to taste. Enjoy ;) 

Hot chocolate in bed


What is in I Am Gaia?

Angelica Root, Asparagus Root, Rehmannia Root, Poria Mushroom, White Peony, Schizandra Berry, Goji Berry and Jujube Fruit.

Is I Am Gaia appropriate for men too?

While the name and intention behind this product is to support women, men can absolutely use it too! This blend is brilliant for moving stagnant blood and building it so I Am Gaia can be very beneficial for anyone suffering from a blood deficiency.

When will I start to see results?

There is no cut and dry answer for this question as everybody is unique. Some people may feel benefits immediately while for others it may take a couple of weeks to a month before they feel the shifts within their body. The most important thing with medicinal mushrooms is longevity and consistency as their potent medicinal benefits accumulate over time. SuperFeast recommends taking one or more of their products regularly for at least 30-100 days to really allow them to unfold in your system.

Customer Reviews:

  • "Absolute gem, great quality, not to mention packaging, delivery, professional, reliable, knowledgeable, tremendously enjoying the product!! Highly recommended. 💥💥💥💥💥" - M Cornford 
  • "Superfeast is honestly so so SO good. I'm blown away by their products and how much I can actually feel the difference. I cannot highly recommend enough." - Alex H
  • "This blend is freakin' fantastic. I've struggled with severe menstrual cramps for about 4 years now, where I'm in bed for the first day of my period, and absolutely nothing I have tried has helped except medication from the chemist which I really don't like to take. I've been trying out this blend now everyday for about three weeks, just got my periodtoday and have had zero hectic cramps. Minor discomfort but I could go about my day as normal for the first time in years. Finding Superfeast has been an absolute godsend. Thank you" - Lauren


Buy SuperFeast I Am Gaia


Independently tested. No added fillers or starches. Packed by weight, not volume.

SOURCED • Di Tao from traditional herb-producing regions of China.

If pregnant or breastfeeding please consult with your healthcare provider before adding these herbs to your diet.

Thanks so much for the support!

SuperFeast I Am Gaia: Nourishing Your Womanhood 

This just in! - I've just experienced one of the calmest periods in years (normally they really suck!) I can't say it was purely I Am Gaia but I'll tune back in next month after my next one and see what happens!

Do you sometimes feel like being a woman is tiring? What with all the pains, bleeding, ever-changing bits and pieces, and what feels like uncontrollable emotional outbursts of all sorts? I know I do. Sometimes when it's the red zone I dream of just being a man.

superfeast i am gaia review

Though some of these qualities are completely natural and normal and we should all celebrate the uniqueness that is us, sometimes our environment can heighten the intensity in which these things take place, creating a negative experience. 

If we're stressed, our diet isn't what our bodies need or perhaps we've been enjoying too many wine nights with the girls...then one obvious sign can be our female health starts to deteriorate. Personally, UTI's wreak havoc on me at the slightest twinge of stress and my periods are whack if I haven't been eating healthy. 

It's great to curate a lifestyle that promotes a healthy body but a little bit of help along the way is always welcome! I Am Gaia is that perfect helping hand. It helps balance out hormones (I got upset at my partner the other day because I hit my own head - nowhere even near him) and regulate a healthy cardiovascular system.

Another product that pairs wonderfully with this women's blend is the SuperFeast Beauty Blend, it works on the inside to make your outside shine! Why not just give yourself a whole-body makeover?!

Buy SuperFeast I Am Gaia

buy superfeast i am gaia

I Am Gaia (Women's Blend) Review By Sacky

What I Like: 

Dedication - As lame as it is, It makes me feel special having a product that is tailored for my gender specifically. When the term of being 'healthy' is treated as a goal and not as a lifestyle choice, we end up with a million different 'This is what will make you feel like your 21 again!' products. It's hard to keep up with what's good for you and what's not. I've come to the conclusion you just have to listen to your own body and figure it out. Though having products that are more tailored to our genders makes sifting through the thousands of products a little easier. 

Taste - It's rather sweet - like our womanly nature!*

*This is contextual and entirely dependent on who you talk to ;)

Periods - Every single woman I know has had a bad period. It's also quite intimidating and uncomfortable to start talking about your periods when you are younger (heck even older!) but it's our only way of coming to understand them so we can better handle them. I Am Gaia not only assists with pre/post period time in both a physical and energetic way, but it can help broach the topic of 'bad' periods.

eg. 'Hey, How are you? What's that you're putting in your coffee?' 

'Hey feeling bit low, this is I Am Gaia - I've noticed I've been more hormonal and taking longer to recover from a heavy period recently, I Am Gaia might be able to assist!'

as opposed to 

'Hey, How are you?'

'My period is heavy and I'm sore, bloated and tired and I don't know if this is normal - help' 

I am Gaia Superfeast blend with food

SuperFeast Values - From what I understand, a lot of time, effort and thought has gone into selecting the right ingredients for this delicious blend. If you listen to them talk about it you can tell they are just as excited for every lady to have this as I am myself to be testing it out! The whole team is great to deal with and super passionate about the service they are providing. Genuinely a company that stands proudly behind its brand. 

What I Think Could Be Improved:

Right now - nothing! At the time of writing this review, I've only been using the women's blend for a month. To have a deeper understanding and to see or feel changes I will need to wait another month or two (and I suggest you should wait too!). 

Where To Buy I Am Gaia

If you look to the top of the screen there is a blue button to buy, as well as at the top of the page a direct link to buy, or you can click on any of the banners in this article! 

However, do you like to save money?

That's rhetorical, of course, so join our email list first and you'll receive a very generous 15% off SuperFeast discount code. Plus access to lots of other deals. Our promise is that we only send emails we believe hold value and hopefully something to make you smile and laugh. Heck, you can join, get the code and unsubscribe if you want to. I can't guarantee you won't make us cry if you do that though. 

If you need a dose of human interaction you can also use their website to find your closest stockist. 

Buy SuperFeast I Am Gaia

What Is In I Am Gaia?:

A very carefully and thought out combination of tonic herbs that are meticulously extracted to ensure the highest potency and nutritional value are cultivated in the process. There are 8 herbs that makeup I Am Gaia. 4 of which are "direct action ingredients" in other words work on directly influencing and with time even changing your systems and 4 "supporting and minor action" that support (already healthy) systems and the direct action herbs.

Direct Action


The SuperFeast team themselves have a brilliant article available, running through all of the amazing research, history and health benefits in I Am Gaia - check it out here

I Am Gaia Health Benefits:

After a lot of personal research and information supplied by SuperFeast themselves, I've concluded that it's irrefutable that this blend will have a positive effect. How much it may help is entirely dependent on the individual though! Like SuperFeast also talk about, herbs, mushrooms, supplements of any type - they all are great for assisting a healthy lifestyle but rarely should they be thought of as 'fixes''. Each person depending on what lifestyle they have, their DNA or if they have any existing conditions will have different experiences. 

I can't remark on my own personal experiences with I Am Gaia yet as I haven't been taking it long enough but I promise I will update this review when it's been an ample amount of time to notice differences. 

superfeast i am gaia womens blend

However, in the meantime let's trust science, research, and the forever wise and incredible Chinese Medicine philosophies to enlighten us into what health benefits await! 

Benefits include: 

[ Blood building and flow ] - this refers to the assistance of building red blood cells and promoting healthy blood flow. Why would I want to bleed MORE? I hear you say. A healthy blood flow will allow all organs to work at a better capacity which in turn helps your body deal better with the extra work it does while you have your period. The building of red blood cells is particularly great for when your period has finished.

** Heavy period warning ** If you have heavy periods - it's suggested you take a break from I Am Gaia until your flow has ended. It doesn't hurt to take it still but you just may rather not want to run the risk of increasing the flow.

Ingredients That Assist - Angelica root head and stem, Rehmannia, Goji, and White Peony.

Red heart tree

[ Hormones ] - Those rascally hormones. Just firing up whenever they please! A few herbs found in the women's blend are acknowledged as being particularly great for female hormonal regulation in both day to day experiences as well as assisting with the hormonal fireworks at period time.

Ingredients That Assist - Angelica root, asparagus root, Rehmannia

[ Period Pain ] - It's nice to think we can take some herbs and our period pain will vanish forever, however, there is beauty and growth in pain! If we can't be rid of it forever we can at least manage it and find the silver linings right?? Sorry if you are reading this and currently in pain, I know you probably are just thinking 'Shoosh, where's the secret answer to pain-free periods!?!'. I haven't experienced a painless period with the women's blend yet but who knows, you might!! However, White Peony does help with muscle cramping and has been famed for helping with mild period pain. 

Interesting Side Note On Endometriosis -  Endo (as us Aussies who need everything to be a couple of syllables long call it) is a Western term. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, they acknowledge its existence however rather believe it is a symptom of any of the following; energy stagnation, blood stagnation, congealed cold or deficiency of energy and blood. Which all then break down into many possibilities too. There is no one fix in Traditional Chinese Medicine, more so a case by case. Which I personally resonate with as we're very complex little monkeys us humans! 

Ingredients That Assist - White Peony

white peony flower

White Peony Flower

[ Immune Boosting ] - This one is great for absolutely anyone! Though to put it in line with women's health, much of what we go through with our bodies is taxing and these things can compromise our immune system. I'm only just learning at 30 to rest when I have my period, I really struggle with sitting still...Naturally, I get run down too! I try to get out and be super physical while I'm bleeding heavily and wonder why I'm so tired all the time and seem to be getting the flu in a pattern...Duh. 

Ingredients That Assist - Poria, Angelica Root, Goji 


I particularly love this for when I'm feeling a bit run down post period. I get heavy periods, battle with anaemia and definitely feel a bit low after the red river has run.  

The Cacao gives me an energy kick and the cayenne is great for putting the fire back in my soul. 


Coconut Milk (Coco Quench- always!)

1 Tsp Raw Cacao

1/2 Tsp Cayenne Pepper

1/2 Tsp I Am Gaia

Honey if you like it sweet (I find Coco Quench to be sweet enough)


1. Measure out the milk into whatever cup you are using and be sure to leave a couple of cms from the top for the cacao paste. 

2. Pour milk out into a saucepan and heat until the milk starts to slightly simmer - don't let it boil! 

3. Boil the kettle! While the milk is warming up, put cayenne pepper, astragalus, and cacao into your cup. Add a dash of boiling water and stir it around to make a paste, it should be completely wet but not a soup - the more water, the more diluted the flavour! 

4. Add milk straight into the cup and stir it all up! Add honey/sugar etc to taste. Enjoy ;) 

Hot chocolate in bed


What is in I Am Gaia?

Angelica Root, Asparagus Root, Rehmannia Root, Poria Mushroom, White Peony, Schizandra Berry, Goji Berry and Jujube Fruit.

Is I Am Gaia appropriate for men too?

While the name and intention behind this product is to support women, men can absolutely use it too! This blend is brilliant for moving stagnant blood and building it so I Am Gaia can be very beneficial for anyone suffering from a blood deficiency.

When will I start to see results?

There is no cut and dry answer for this question as everybody is unique. Some people may feel benefits immediately while for others it may take a couple of weeks to a month before they feel the shifts within their body. The most important thing with medicinal mushrooms is longevity and consistency as their potent medicinal benefits accumulate over time. SuperFeast recommends taking one or more of their products regularly for at least 30-100 days to really allow them to unfold in your system.

Customer Reviews:

  • "Absolute gem, great quality, not to mention packaging, delivery, professional, reliable, knowledgeable, tremendously enjoying the product!! Highly recommended. 💥💥💥💥💥" - M Cornford 
  • "Superfeast is honestly so so SO good. I'm blown away by their products and how much I can actually feel the difference. I cannot highly recommend enough." - Alex H
  • "This blend is freakin' fantastic. I've struggled with severe menstrual cramps for about 4 years now, where I'm in bed for the first day of my period, and absolutely nothing I have tried has helped except medication from the chemist which I really don't like to take. I've been trying out this blend now everyday for about three weeks, just got my periodtoday and have had zero hectic cramps. Minor discomfort but I could go about my day as normal for the first time in years. Finding Superfeast has been an absolute godsend. Thank you" - Lauren


Buy SuperFeast I Am Gaia


Independently tested. No added fillers or starches. Packed by weight, not volume.

SOURCED • Di Tao from traditional herb-producing regions of China.

If pregnant or breastfeeding please consult with your healthcare provider before adding these herbs to your diet.

Thanks so much for the support!

Anita Yau

Anita Yau is a devoted personal health and well-being enthusiast. Her approach to nutrition and supplementation is thoughtful and informed, discerning from passing fads and opting instead for tried & tested health-conscious choices that endures the test of time. Family health history has propelled her to take charge of her health and be proactive about preventive care, motivated by the work of Dr. Mindy Pelz, Dr. Michael Greger, and Associate Professor Andrew D. Huberman.
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